How to Use Nicview to Stay Connected with Your Baby in the NICU

Having a baby admitted to the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) can be a tough and stressful time for parents. You may feel scared, worried, guilty, or helpless about not being able to be with your little one all the time. This separation can also interfere with bonding and attachment.

Nicview Login Portal

Fortunately, technology like the Nicview web camera system can help bridge that gap. Nicview offers a secure way to check in on your baby 24/7 via live video streaming to any internet-connected device. This allows you to see your baby even when you can’t be there in person.

Staying Connected with Your Baby in the NICU using Nicview

  • See and Talk to Your Baby from Anywhere: One of the hardest parts of having a baby in the NICU is leaving them there alone. But with Nicview cameras installed in your baby’s isolette or open crib, you can log in from anywhere at any time to see and even talk to your little one. This can provide much-needed peace of mind and comfort when you are home resting or spending time with other children. It’s like your own virtual visit.
  • Keep Close Tabs on Your Baby’s Care: Having visibility into your baby’s care via Nicview streaming can also help you better understand their health status and treatment plan. You’ll be able to see nurses performing daily care tasks like weighing, measuring, bathing, and feeding. Watching their technicians adjust IV fluids, oxygen levels, and temperature controls can demystify the machinery and technology sustaining your child.
  • Share Moments with Family Near and Far: A Nicview live stream allows family members and loved ones to peek in on your baby even if they live far away or can’t visit the NICU. Grandparents can enjoy virtually kissing and talking to their tiny grandchild. And you’ll love capturing sweet milestones like their first bath or bottle feeding to share with family.
NICVIEW® 2 – Web Camera Cost

Frequently Asked Questions

How does Nicview work?

Nicview consists of a compact, high-resolution camera installed by qualified nurses with a perfect view of your baby. The video streams through a secure hospital wifi network to the Nicview portal, protected by encryption and password login. As a parent, you’ll be given a unique username and password to access the portal from any device.

Can multiple people view it at once?

Yes! You can share your Nicview login with family locally or out-of-state so they can simultaneously enjoy streams of your baby. The number of concurrent streams allowed depends on the NICU’s Nicview package.

What features will I have access to?

Basic Nicview packages include live video streaming, image capture, round-the-clock viewing, and even two-way audio communication at some hospitals. Upgrades like zoom, highlight reels, and multi-camera views provide more ways to connect.

How much does Nicview cost?

Nicview access is included for NICU parents by most hospitals providing the system. In rare cases, there might be a monthly subscription cost ranging from $9.95 to $29.95. But rest assured, parents are always given complimentary viewing.

Can I record video or audio?

Due to patient privacy policies, families are not permitted to record video, audio, or images from Nicview streams. However, you can leverage Nicview’s built-in image capture to save photos of your baby to your account.


Having a newborn in the NICU is difficult, but services like Nicview offer an invaluable way to be with your baby when you can’t be there in person. Around-the-clock video streaming and communication empower parents to bond with their babies, capture moments, understand care, and stay confident in their provider’s efforts. Nicview has already made a major impact on thousands of families, and will no doubt continue improving NICU journeys in the years ahead through advancing technology.

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